How to deal with
Did you ever seen suddenly your pity koi carps was not attractive or agile (indifferent)? They didn’t want to feed anymore or they reluctantly approach while you feeding them. Or they tried to jump over and over from the water pond? They was seen restless? If this happened, maybe it mean that your koi carps were illness. Don’t waiting along.
The physical sign of the illness Koi Carps, in generally are:
- The koi remained on the sidelines or they would like to stay away from the other groups.
- Clam up in beneathe of the pond with both side of the fins was opened.
- Both sides fins or the upper fins were torn.
- Restless.
- Scale and skin turned pale like spots.
- The eyes was faded.
- Gasping for air with the irregular rhythm (the lack of oxygen).
The illness in the fish koi could be caused by:
- Water lice, was easy seen by the eyes. It looks like a hook or a small anchor and adhered to the body of koi fish.
- The virus, being difficult to be detected and often to attack your fish.
- The fungus, because of being very small material. They was unseen with the manner of the eyes. Attacked to all the surface of fish skin. It really was seen clearly when attacking the part of the fish eyes.
- The bacteria. Equally of it matter with the fungus diseases, the annoying bacteria was not seen by the eyes. Signs after being attacked by this, the koi carps usually became restless.
- Unclean water, causing the growth of three parasites above and attacked your pity Koi.
The method to overcame your illness Koi (First Aid to Koi – P3K)
The first step that immediately must be carried out after you saw signs of the illness koi carps, carried out actions as follows:
- Immediately moved or isolate the illness koi to the other pond or aquarium in order to avoid spreading disease to the other healthy Koi.
- Guarded temperature water in the isolation pond/aquarium.
- Give enough aeration or oxygen by using the air pump.
- Avoid gave your koi with excessively fish meal. As in the case of human body, the illness koi fish did not have good appetite, so if you gave food more often, it will contaminate the isolation aquarium or the isolation pond’s water.
- Give medical treatment quickly with exactly medicine accordance with his cause. How to treat the medicine for your pity Koi and what kinds of the material in fish medical treatment will be presented by us in the next post.
Hopely those tips will useful.
Label: Tips
Pernahkan anda melihat secara tiba-tiba ikan koi kesayangan anda tidak lagi lincah (cuek) dan enggan mendekati ketika anda memberi pakan? Atau ikan anda terlihat gelisah/ berusaha melompat dari kolam? Itu artinya kondisi ikan koi anda mungkin saja sedang sakit.
Tanda fisik ikan koi yang sedang sakit, secara umum adalah :
- Menyendiri dari kelompok ikan-ikan koi lainnya.
- Berdiam diri didasar kolam dengan sirip yang terbuka.
- Sirip samping dan sirip atas robek/luka
- Gelisah
- Sisik dan kulit memutih seperti bintik-bintik atau berselaput
- Mata memutih berselaputMulut memegap dengan irama yang tidak beraturan (seperti terengah-engah kekurangan oksigen).
Penyakit pada ikan koi dapat disebabkan oleh :
- Kutu air, mudah terihat oleh mata. Kutu air berbentuk seperti mata kail/ jangkar yang kecil dan melekat pada badan ikan koi.
- Virus, yang termasuk susah untuk dideteksi namun sering menyerang ikan koi.
- Jamur, karena merupakan materi yang sangat kecil sehingga tidak mudah terlihat secara kasat mata. Menyerang pada seluruh permukaan kulit ikan dan sangat terlihat jelas bila telah menyerang bagian mata ikan koi berselaput putih.
- Bakteri. Sama halnya dengan penyakit jamur, bakteri yang mengganggu ikan koi tidak terlihat oleh mata. Tanda-tanda setelah terserang penyakit ini biasanya ikan koi menjadi gelisah.
- Air kolam atau akuarium yang tidak bersih, sehingga parasit dan penyakit diatas berkembang dan menyerang koi kesayangan anda.
Cara mengatasi koi yang sakit ( Pertolongan Pertama Pada Koi – P3K)
Langkah pertama yang harus segera dilakukan, setelah anda melihat tanda-tanda ikan koi yang sedang sakit, lakukan tindakan-tindakan sebagai berikut :
- Segera pindahkan (isolasi) ikan koi yang sakit pada kolam/aquarium lain agar tidak menularkan penyakitnya kepada ikan koi yang sehat.
- Jaga temperature air pada akuarium isolasi.
- Berikan aerasi/ oksigen yang cukup dengan menggunakan pompa udara (Air Pump)
- Hindari memberi makan pada koi yang sakit secara berlebihan. Sebagaimana halnya manusia, ikan koi yang sakit tidak memiliki nafsu makan yang baik sehingga bila anda memberi pakan yang banyak justru akan mengotori akuarium/ kolam isolasi.
- Berikan pengobatan secara cepat dan tepat ( obat dan bahan yang sesuai dengan penyebabnya ).
Untuk penberian obat/ bahan dalam pengobatan ikan koi akan kami sajikan pada posting berikutnya. Semoga Bermanfaat.
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Label: Tips
What will be happened if your attractives Koi fish instantly did not want to feed meals in colder season? Don't wondering if you're in this situation. 61 degrees + - Twice daily or more 56 - 60 degrees - Once a day 51-56 degrees - Two to 3 times a week 46-50 degrees - Once a week - Do not feed again until spring when water temperature reaches 46 degrees... 46 degrees - Do not feed
I discovered that's been a lifesaver for me and many others.
Here's a simple tip :
Because the Koi's digestive system virtually comes to a stop during the colder seasons of the year, it is generally recommended that feeding should be tapered off during the fall, with a complete halt to feeding when the water drops CONSISTANTLY below 55 F.
Feeding can then slowly be resumed in the spring, when the water is CONSISTANTLY above 55 F.
Label: Tips