Decorating the koi carps pond with the water crop certainly gave special beauty. Really, it is fascinating gazed when the koi fish that swam around the lower water crop mutually in running... elegant and beautiful is'nt it? But did you know that the water crop also needed oxygen as in the case of koi carp? How we controlled it so that the koi carps got oxygen that was enough after shared with this crop?
When the pond of koi carps was decorated also with the water crop like algae, Cryptocoryne moehlmannii, the water lily, the lotus - & still many others, the content of most protracted oxygen in pond's water really must be maintained in the level of 5 ppm minimally. Remember that the crop needed oxygen at night, and produced oxygen during whole of the day. The fast growth of the water crop and un controlled must be matched with always cleansed these crops of the koi pond, so there was still available room to move and there was oxygen level that enough for the koi. Also with the water crop that died and rotted, immediately must be cleaned so that the water PH does not experience the change on the limit that could be tolerated by the fish koi pity.
Nearby by cleaning and controlling the growth of the water crop, so that the content of oxygen continued to be awakened it was suggested to always pay attention to the circulation of pond water. The fitting of the water pump that could circulate the pond's water in a trus manner could be carried out to increase most protracted oxygen at the same time as the implement that helped filtration guarded pond water stayed clean. In many matters, the lack of the level of oxygen for pond water, could cause the koi carps were mad max and even resulted in the sudden death.
Label: Koi Carps, Kolam, Water Crop
Menghiasi kolam ikan koi dengan tanaman air tentu memberikan keindahan tersendiri. Sungguh mengasyikkan memandang ikan koi yang berenang diantara tanaman air hilir mudik dan saling berkejaran...elegan dan menggemaskan bukan? Tapi tahukah anda bahwa tanaman air juga memerlukan oksigen seperti halnya ikan-ikan koi? Bagaimana kita mengendalikan agar ikan koi mendapatkan oksigen yang cukup setelah berbagi dengan tanaman tersebut?
Bila kolam koi dihiasi pula dengan tanaman air seperti alga, Cryptocoryne moehlmannii, teratai, lotus - & masih banyak lagi, kandungan oksigen terlarut di air kolam betul-betul harus dipertahankan minimal pada kadar 5 ppm. Ingatlah bahwa tanaman membutuhkan oksigen pada malam hari, dan menghasilkan oksigen pada siang hari. Pertumbuhan tanaman air yang cepat dan tidak terkendali harus diimbangi dengan selalu membersihkan tanaman-tanaman tersebut dari kolam koi, sehingga masih tersedia ruang gerak dan kadar oksigen yang cukup bagi ikan koi. Begitu pula dengan tanaman air yang mati dan membusuk, harus segera dibersihkan agar PH air tidak mengalami perubahan diatas batas yang dapat ditolerir oleh ikan koi kesayangan.
Disamping dengan membersihkan dan mengendalikan pertumbuhan tanaman air, agar kandungan oksigen tetap terjaga disarankan untuk selalu memperhatikan sirkulasi air kolam. Pemasangan pompa air yang dapat mensirkulasi air kolam secara trus menerus dapat dilakukan untuk menambah oksigen terlarut sekaligus sebagai alat yang membantu filterisasi menjaga air kolam tetap bersih.
Dalam banyak hal, kekurangan kadar oksigen pada air kolam koi, dapat menyebabkan ikan koi mengalami stres dan bahkan mengakibatkan kematian mendadak.
Label: Kadar Oksigen, Koi Carps, Kolam, Tanaman Air, Tips
Having a koi ponds at home is one of the pleisure for each hobbyist of koi carps. To see and play with your attractive colourful koi carps could make refresh your spirit back from daily routinity.
Did you want to have the koi pond in your garden? The fish-pond decorated behind the house is very beneficial and it was not difficult like that most people imagined. If you carried out the appropriate maintenance for them, the fish koi could live long with the long measurement that more than one metre.
Followed these simple tips to make the fish-pond koi correctly so it was be able to give the happiness and your peace of mind when you saw them.
The depth of the koi fish-pond are important.
The depth of the pond is very important for the koi carps. The depth of the pond preferably more than 80 centimeters (the part that was filled up water) so that your fish-pond is most protected from the wild animal to attact the carps, kept like the cat and the other animal that possibly will destroy your carps. The fish-pond that more deep in also helped stabilised the temperature of water that was caused by the intensity of heat of the sun or the cold weather at night and at the rainy weather.
Koi liked much space to swim.
The small pond is not good for koicarps. Remember, in line with your fish time grew and developed or could improved many and they will need enough space to move around. The number of koi colour variations, possibly will encourage you wanted to buy the fish from various colours. So it is better for made a pond biger from beginning, in planning than renovated the pond at the next day. Built the bigger pond and more deep in being better.
Maintain the water's temperature of your pond.
Koi carps as a tropical fish unlike cold rainy weather. Koi is not frightened the cold weather but do not let the temperature of your pond tied up the fish. Too cold water will hinder the growth of the koi carps, and several illnesses will threatened the koi fish and this condition could develop disadvantage algae. The rain water that at once fell into the pond in the number that quite a few were not good for the health of the koi carps because of the rain water contained the acidity that sometimes very high. As the step in the prevention, you could use special salt for the fish that was spread to pond's water in accordance with the dose.
Made the patron for your koi
If the location of the koi pond that was chosen were in the opened location, confirmed fully was not affected by the direct sun rays, because besides increasing quickly the temperature of pond water, also could speed up the growth of moss that could influence the clarity of pond water. The alternative placed the protective crop at the edge of the pond was really recommended. Moreover you could use the water crop like the lotus or water lily, the water lily in the pond or nearby could add the beauty of your pond, the water crop also became the refuge that protected the fish. However, you must avoid planted the big tree near the koi pond because it could be the potential damage and cracking that caused by its root. One important matter that must be paid attention was to confirm the foliage from the protective crop did not fall into the pond, and immediately cleaned when indeed was not avoided.
Avoiding to use the poisonous substance close to your pond.
Insectisides and herbicides that's used for your garden at the time of the maintenance of the garden should be put along from your koi pond. Placing the place of poisonous substances at the edge of the pond was very risky will fall into the pond and polluted water and the fish that lived in the pond. Moreover a small amount of the public's insecticide could kill your beautiful koi.
The Koi Pond Accessories
To make your koi fish grow well and healthily, several accessories were needed in order to maintain the condition for pond water and keep it like the originally habitat. Ideally you will need a water pump, the filtration system, the water reservoir aerator, the water heater and the steriliser ultraviolet. The fish koi liked clean and moving pond water. When the condition of the water is unclean,your fish became more unhealthy or stress. The stress fish koi showed overcast signs the colour of the fish, not be appetited to eat, go aside from the others, and could cause your koi passed away.
More to come..
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Label: Koi Carps, Ponds Building
How to deal with
Did you ever seen suddenly your pity koi carps was not attractive or agile (indifferent)? They didn’t want to feed anymore or they reluctantly approach while you feeding them. Or they tried to jump over and over from the water pond? They was seen restless? If this happened, maybe it mean that your koi carps were illness. Don’t waiting along.
The physical sign of the illness Koi Carps, in generally are:
- The koi remained on the sidelines or they would like to stay away from the other groups.
- Clam up in beneathe of the pond with both side of the fins was opened.
- Both sides fins or the upper fins were torn.
- Restless.
- Scale and skin turned pale like spots.
- The eyes was faded.
- Gasping for air with the irregular rhythm (the lack of oxygen).
The illness in the fish koi could be caused by:
- Water lice, was easy seen by the eyes. It looks like a hook or a small anchor and adhered to the body of koi fish.
- The virus, being difficult to be detected and often to attack your fish.
- The fungus, because of being very small material. They was unseen with the manner of the eyes. Attacked to all the surface of fish skin. It really was seen clearly when attacking the part of the fish eyes.
- The bacteria. Equally of it matter with the fungus diseases, the annoying bacteria was not seen by the eyes. Signs after being attacked by this, the koi carps usually became restless.
- Unclean water, causing the growth of three parasites above and attacked your pity Koi.
The method to overcame your illness Koi (First Aid to Koi – P3K)
The first step that immediately must be carried out after you saw signs of the illness koi carps, carried out actions as follows:
- Immediately moved or isolate the illness koi to the other pond or aquarium in order to avoid spreading disease to the other healthy Koi.
- Guarded temperature water in the isolation pond/aquarium.
- Give enough aeration or oxygen by using the air pump.
- Avoid gave your koi with excessively fish meal. As in the case of human body, the illness koi fish did not have good appetite, so if you gave food more often, it will contaminate the isolation aquarium or the isolation pond’s water.
- Give medical treatment quickly with exactly medicine accordance with his cause. How to treat the medicine for your pity Koi and what kinds of the material in fish medical treatment will be presented by us in the next post.
Hopely those tips will useful.
Label: Tips
Pernahkan anda melihat secara tiba-tiba ikan koi kesayangan anda tidak lagi lincah (cuek) dan enggan mendekati ketika anda memberi pakan? Atau ikan anda terlihat gelisah/ berusaha melompat dari kolam? Itu artinya kondisi ikan koi anda mungkin saja sedang sakit.
Tanda fisik ikan koi yang sedang sakit, secara umum adalah :
- Menyendiri dari kelompok ikan-ikan koi lainnya.
- Berdiam diri didasar kolam dengan sirip yang terbuka.
- Sirip samping dan sirip atas robek/luka
- Gelisah
- Sisik dan kulit memutih seperti bintik-bintik atau berselaput
- Mata memutih berselaputMulut memegap dengan irama yang tidak beraturan (seperti terengah-engah kekurangan oksigen).
Penyakit pada ikan koi dapat disebabkan oleh :
- Kutu air, mudah terihat oleh mata. Kutu air berbentuk seperti mata kail/ jangkar yang kecil dan melekat pada badan ikan koi.
- Virus, yang termasuk susah untuk dideteksi namun sering menyerang ikan koi.
- Jamur, karena merupakan materi yang sangat kecil sehingga tidak mudah terlihat secara kasat mata. Menyerang pada seluruh permukaan kulit ikan dan sangat terlihat jelas bila telah menyerang bagian mata ikan koi berselaput putih.
- Bakteri. Sama halnya dengan penyakit jamur, bakteri yang mengganggu ikan koi tidak terlihat oleh mata. Tanda-tanda setelah terserang penyakit ini biasanya ikan koi menjadi gelisah.
- Air kolam atau akuarium yang tidak bersih, sehingga parasit dan penyakit diatas berkembang dan menyerang koi kesayangan anda.
Cara mengatasi koi yang sakit ( Pertolongan Pertama Pada Koi – P3K)
Langkah pertama yang harus segera dilakukan, setelah anda melihat tanda-tanda ikan koi yang sedang sakit, lakukan tindakan-tindakan sebagai berikut :
- Segera pindahkan (isolasi) ikan koi yang sakit pada kolam/aquarium lain agar tidak menularkan penyakitnya kepada ikan koi yang sehat.
- Jaga temperature air pada akuarium isolasi.
- Berikan aerasi/ oksigen yang cukup dengan menggunakan pompa udara (Air Pump)
- Hindari memberi makan pada koi yang sakit secara berlebihan. Sebagaimana halnya manusia, ikan koi yang sakit tidak memiliki nafsu makan yang baik sehingga bila anda memberi pakan yang banyak justru akan mengotori akuarium/ kolam isolasi.
- Berikan pengobatan secara cepat dan tepat ( obat dan bahan yang sesuai dengan penyebabnya ).
Untuk penberian obat/ bahan dalam pengobatan ikan koi akan kami sajikan pada posting berikutnya. Semoga Bermanfaat.
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Label: Tips
What will be happened if your attractives Koi fish instantly did not want to feed meals in colder season? Don't wondering if you're in this situation. 61 degrees + - Twice daily or more 56 - 60 degrees - Once a day 51-56 degrees - Two to 3 times a week 46-50 degrees - Once a week - Do not feed again until spring when water temperature reaches 46 degrees... 46 degrees - Do not feed
I discovered that's been a lifesaver for me and many others.
Here's a simple tip :
Because the Koi's digestive system virtually comes to a stop during the colder seasons of the year, it is generally recommended that feeding should be tapered off during the fall, with a complete halt to feeding when the water drops CONSISTANTLY below 55 F.
Feeding can then slowly be resumed in the spring, when the water is CONSISTANTLY above 55 F.
Label: Tips
Did you know that Salt is pretty amazing in it's ability?
Yes, salt can help you in maintain your koi pond water quality. Its chemical contents help you to control algae, detoxify Nitrites, kill parasites and it's antiseptic qualities.
Salt is agreat item to use for your water ponds, but first... you need to know how much to add.
We feel that a 0.1% continual salt bath is a good level to run at all the time.
To achieve this level, add 1¼ ounces of salt per 10 gallons of pond water.
The maximum level of salt that you can run without major damage to the fish is 0.3%.
This high salt level is used for treating fish wounds and parasites. To achieve this level, add 3.8 oz. of salt per 10 gallons. This salt level is better suited for a bath, or in a hospital tank. Never ever take your main pond up to a level like this. Long term exposure to high salt content will damage or kill the fish and your biological filter. This salt level should be used for a 15 minute bath only.
Label: Referrences
Water gardens, also known as aquatic gardens, backyard ponds and garden ponds, have become popular in recent years.
Koi Fish or carp as we called as .......
the common carp is widely believed to have originated from the Caspian Sea with natural habitat surrounding the North, Baltic, Mediterranian, Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral Sea basins. The common carp, as a food fish with the ability to survive and adapt to many different climates and waterways, was bartered and spread to many different areas, including North America, Africa, Europe and Asia. Wild populations of the common carp now exist in those four continents and South America.
Natural color mutations of these carp would have occurred across all populations. Historical records indicate that carp with color mutations were found in China. However, the earliest records of carp with distinct colors kept for selective breeding, true Nishikigoi, have been found in Japan. Depictions of carp or 'koi' with different color variations have been found on 18th century Japanese drawings and paintings. The ornamental cultivation of carp originated in the Niigata region of Japan during the Japanese Edo Periode.
The word "koi" comes from Japanese, simply meaning "carp." It includes both the dull grey fish and the brightly colored varieties. A homophone of koi means "love, affection" and koi are therefore symbols of love and friendship in Japan: a good example is the short story Koi-san by Mukoda Kuniko.
Koi have many different colors. Some of the major colors are white, black, red, yellow, blue, and cream.
While possible variations are limitless, breeders have identified and named a number of specific categories. The most popular category is Gosanke. The Gosanke category is made up of the Kohaku, Taisho Sanshoku, and Showa Sanshoku varieties. The Japanese breeders have many generations of knowledge and experience when it comes to breeding and raising Nishikigoi. They know which ones will be worth hundreds of dollars and which ones will be worth thousands of dollars.
The major named varieties include:
Kohaku - a white-skinned Koi, with a red pattern
Taisho Sanshoku (Sanke) - a white-skinned Koi with a red and black pattern
Showa Sanshoku (Showa) - a black-skinned Koi with a red and white pattern
Tancho - Any koi with the only red being in a circle on its forehead. The fish can be a Tancho Showa, Tancho Sanke, or even Tancho Goshiki
Asagi - a Koi with light blue scales on its top and red scales on its bottom
Shusui - the partially scaled version of an Asagi
Bekko - a white, red, or yellow-skinned Koi with a black pattern
Utsurimono - a black Koi with a red, white, or yellow pattern
Goshiki - a mostly black Koi with red, white, brown, and blue accents
Ogon - a Koi that is one solid color, can be regular or metallic; known colors - red, orange, platinum, yellow and cream
Kin Gin Rin - a Koi with shiny scales. The name translates into English as "Gold Silver Scales" There are also Gin Rin versions of almost any other type of koi.
Kawarimono (kawarigoi) - Miscellaneous types of Koi
Doitsu-goi - German Carp
Koromo - Koi with areas of blue-edged scales aligned neatly
Hikari-Moyomono - Koi with coloured patterns over a metallic base, and koi in two metallic colours
Ghost koi - "Hybrid" of Ogon and wild carp. Not Nishikigoi.
Butterfly koi - Long-finned version of all others. Not Nishikigoi.
The common carp is a hardy fish, and koi retain that durability. Koi are cold-water fish, but benefit from being kept in the 15-25 degrees C (59-77 degrees F) range and do not react well to long cold winter temperatures, their immune system 'turning off' below 10 degrees C. Koi ponds have a meter or more of depth in areas of the world that become warm during the summer. In areas that have harsh winters, ponds that are a minimum of 1.5 meters (4 1/2 feet) are most common.
Koi's bright colors put them at a severe disadvantage against predators; a white-skinned Kohaku is a visual dinner bell against the dark green of a pond. Herons, kingfishers, raccoon, cats, foxes and badgers are all capable of emptying a pond of its fish. A well-designed outdoor pond will have areas too deep for herons to stand in, overhangs high enough above the water that mammals can't reach in, and shade trees overhead to block the view of aerial passers-by. It may prove necessary to string nets or wires above the surface. A pond usually includes a pump and filtration system to keep the water clear.
Koi are an omnivorous fish and will often eat a wide variety of foods, including peas, lettuce, and watermelons. Koi food is designed not only to be nutritionally balanced, but also to float so as to encourage them to come to the surface. When they are eating, it is possible to check koi for parasites and ulcers. Koi will recognize the person feeding them and gather around him or her at feeding times. They can be trained to take food from one's hand. In the winter, their digestive system slows nearly to a halt, and they eat very little, perhaps no more than nibbles of algae from the bottom. Their appetite will not come back until the water becomes warm in the spring. When the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 °C), feeding, particularly with protein, is halted or the food can go rancid in their stomach, causing sickness.
Koi can live for decades. One famous scarlet koi, named "Hanako" (c. 1751 – July 7, 1977) was owned by several individuals, the last of which was Dr. Komei Koshihara. Hanako was reportedly 226 years old upon her death.Her age was determined by removing one of her scales and examining it extensively in 1966. She is (to date) the longest-lived koi fish ever recorded
Like most fish, koi reproduce through spawning in which a female lays a vast number of eggs and one or more males fertilize them. Nurturing the resulting offspring (referred to as "fry") is a tricky and tedious job, usually done only by professionals. Although a koi breeder may carefully select the parents they wish based on their desired characteristics, the resulting fry will nonetheless exhibit a wide range of color and quality.
Unlike a purebred dog or cat, even the finest champion-grade koi will produce literally thousands of unacceptable, unrecognizable, or even genetically defective offspring in a single spawning. These (and hundreds of marginal offspring) are culled at various stages based on the breeder's expert eye and closely guarded techniques.
Culled fry are usually destroyed (perhaps fed to other fish) and older culls are often sold as lower-grade "pond-quality" koi within their first year (also called "Tosai") at 3"–6" long. The semi-randomized result of the koi's reproductive process is both a blessing and a curse. While it requires diligent oversight to narrow down the favorable result that the breeder wanted all along, it also made possible the gradual transformation of wild river carp into the exquisite art form seen in modern nishikigoi.
Ponds and Water Garden
Usually referring to a man-made feature, these gardens typically combine a pool with aquatic plants and often ornamental fish. Fixed items such as rocks, fountains, statuary, waterfalls and watercourses can be combined with the pool to add visual interest and integration with the local landscape and environment.
Types of water gardens:
One choses a spot on the banks of a fast moving river, and proceeds to place rocks in the path of the water to make a small waterfall. The rocks interfere with the flow path of the water and causes spashing and bubbles to form. The water splashing makes a pleasant sound and new habitat for fish, crustaceans and wildlife that feed on the fish and the crusaceans.
Depending on the river bank place you pick, the water level can fluctuates on a daily basis. This means it can need work every day to adjust the rock level heights for maximum spash aeration. When working to find a good placement of rocks , it is similar to making a sand garden, a.k.a. Zen garden or Japanese rock garden. If your intuitive placement of rocks is well done you can have a feeling of peace or Zen, the water splashing adds valuable oxygen to the river and might stop hypoxia from occurring. The more the bubbles you see formed, the more dissolved oxygen is being placed in the river.
Typical water garden plants are divided into 3 main categories: submerged, marginal, and floating.
1. Submerged plants are those that live almost completely under the water, sometimes with leaves or flowers that grow to the surface such as with the water lily. These plants are placed in a pond or container usually 1-2 ft. below the water surface. Some of these plants are called oxygenators because they create oxygen for the fish that live in a pond. Examples of submerged plants are:
Water lily (Hardy and Tropical)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
2. Marginal plants are those that live with their roots under the water but the rest of the plant above the surface. These are usually placed so that the top of the pot is at or barely below the water level. Examples of these are:
Flag (Iris)
Bulrush (Scirpus lacustris)
Cattail (Typha latifolia)
Taro or Elephant Ear
Arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia)
Nelumbo (lotus)
Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata)
3. Floating plants are those that are not anchored to the soil at all, but are free-floating on the surface. In water gardening, these are often used as a provider of shade to keep down the growth of algae in a pond. These are often extremely fast growing/multiplying. Examples of these are:
Mosquito ferns (Azolla)
Water-spangle (Salvinia)
Water-clover (Marsilea vestita)
Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes Rosette)
Water-hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
Some areas of the United States do not allow certain of these plants to be sold or kept as they have become invasive species in warmer areas of the country, such as Florida.
Algae are another plant type that is found in most ponds. There are hundreds of species of algae that can grow in garden ponds. Generally algae attaches itself to the sides of the pond and remains innocuous. Some species of algae, namely the dreaded 'blanket weed' can grow up to a foot a day under ideal conditions and can rapidly clog a garden pond. On the other hand free floating algae is microcopic and is what causes pond water to appear green.
Often the reason for having a pond in your garden is to keep fish, often koi, though many people keep goldfish. Both are hardy, colorful fish which require no special heating, provided you live in an area which does not have extremes of temperature that would affect the fish. If fish are kept, pumps and filtration devices usually need to be added in order to keep enough oxygen in the water to support them. In winter, a small heater may need to be used in cold climates to keep the water from freezing solid. Examples of common pond fish include:
Goldfish (Common, Comet, Shubunkin varieties, Wakin and the Fantail varieties. With the possible exception of some of the fantail varieties, the fancy goldfish are not suited to pond life.)
Koi (Nishikigoi, Butterfly Koi and Ghost Koi)
Golden Orfe
Golden Tench
Rosy Red Minnows
Small aquatic snails are usually in ponds which have plants. Some people purchase Apple snails to keep in their water garden. Another common variety is the Melantho snail.
Ponds located in suburban and rural areas often attract frogs and turtles, and the occasional snake.
Garden ponds can attract attention from predators such as (in North America) raccoons, heron/birds, snakes, and domestic cats. These predators can be a danger to fish. Owners of koi are often particularly upset by this as some varieties of koi can be very expensive.
Koi have been accidentally or deliberately released into the wild in every continent except Antarctica. They greatly increase the turbidity of the water because they are constantly stirring up the substrate. This makes waterways unattractive, reduces the abundance of aquatic plants, and can render the water unsuitable for swimming or drinking even by livestock. In some countries, koi have caused so much damage to waterways that vast amounts of money and effort have been spent trying to eradicate them, largely unsuccessfully.
According to history koi breeding originated in the 18th century in the Niigata prefecture of Japan.
Farmers working the rice fields would notice that some carp were more brightly colored than others, capture them, and raise them. By the 20th century, a number of color patterns had been established, most notably the red-and-white Kohaku. The outside world did not become aware of the degree of development until 1914, when the Niigata koi were exhibited in the annual exposition in Tokyo. At that point, interest in koi exploded throughout Japan. The hobby of keeping koi spread worldwide after plastic bags and shipping of koi became both fast and safe for the fish. These factors enabled koi to be shipped worldwide with low mortality rates. Koi are now commonly sold in most pet stores, with higher-quality fish available from specialist dealers.
Koi varieties are distinguished by coloration, patterning, and scalation. Ghost koi, developed in the 1980s are metallic hybrids of wild carp and Ogon koi and are not considered true Nishikigoi. Butterfly koi, Longfin koi, or Dragon Carp were also developed in the 1980s and are notable for their long and flowing fins. They are actually hybrids with Asian carp and, like Ghost koi, are not considered true Nishikigoi. Koi fish are very shy, and will dart away with ease.
Label: Koi Carps
Apakah Anda ingin memiliki kolam koi di taman Anda? Kolam ikan hias yang berada di belakang rumah sangat menguntungkan dan tidak sulit seperti yang kebanyakan orang bayangkan. Jika Anda melakukan perawatan layak untuk mereka, ikan koi dapat hidup lama dengan ukuran panjang yang lebih dari satu meter.
Ikuti tips sederhana untuk membuat kolam ikan koi dengan benar sehingga dapat memberikan kesenangan dan kedamaian hati Anda dikala melihatnya.
Kedalaman kolam ikan koi Anda adalah penting.
Kedalaman kolam sangat penting bagi ikan koi. Kedalaman kolam hendaknya lebih dari 80 cm (bagian yang terisi air) agar kolam ikan Anda akan terlindung dari binatang pemangsa ikan, peliharaan seperti kucing dan hewan lain yang mungkin akan memusnahkan ikan Anda. Kolam ikan yang lebih dalam juga membantu menstabilkan temperatur air yang disebabkan oleh terik panas matahari atau cuaca dingin diwaktu malam dan kondisi hujan.
Koi menyukai banyak ruang untuk berenang.
Kolam kecil yang tidak baik untuk koi. Ingat, sejalan dengan waktu ikan Anda akan tumbuh dan berkembang atau bisa saja bertambah banyak dan mereka akan memerlukan ruang gerak. Banyaknya variasi warna koi, mungkin akan memacu Anda ingin membeli ikan dari berbagai warna. Jadi lebih baik untuk membuat sebuah kolam besar dari perencanaan awal daripada merenovasi kolam dikemudian hari. Membangun kolam yang lebih besar dan lebih dalam akan lebih baik.
Jaga temperatur air kolam Anda dimusim penghujan
Tidak seperti ikan tropis, koi tidak takut cuaca dingin namun jangan biarkan temperatur air kolam Anda berada disuhu yang tidak disenangi oleh ikan koi. Air kolam yang terlalu dingin akan menghambat pertumbuhan ikan koi, disamping itu beberapa penyakit yang mengancam ikan koi juga dapat berkembang pada waktu seperti ini. Air hujan yang langsung jatuh ke dalam kolam dalam jumlah yang banyak juga tidak baik bagi kesehatan koi anda karena air hujan mengandung kadar asam yang kadang-kadang sangat tinggi. Sebagai langkah pencegahan, anda dapat menggunakan garam khusus untuk ikan yang ditaburkan pada air kolam sesuai dosis.
Membuat pelindung bagi koi Anda
Bila lokasi kolam koi yang anda pilih berada pada lokasi terbuka, pastikan tidak sepenuhnya terkena sinar matahari karena disamping akan meningkatkan dengan cepat temperatur air kolam, dapat pula mempercepat pertumbuhan lumut yang dapat mempengaruhi kejernihan air kolam. Alternatif menempatkan tanaman pelindung dipinggir kolam adalah sangat dianjurkan. Selain itu Anda dapat juga menggunakan tanaman air seperti teratai, lili air dalam kolam - disamping sebagai penambah keindahan kolam, tanaman air juga menjadi tempat perlindungan yang menaungi ikan. Namun, Anda harus menghindari menanam pohon yang besar karena dapat berpotensi akarnya akan merusak kolam koi Anda. Satu hal penting yang harus diperhatikan adalah pastikan dedaunan dari tanaman pelindung tidak jatuh ke dalam kolam, dan segera bersihkan bila memang tidak terhindarkan.
Jauhkan dari burung-burung pemangsa
Bila lokasi kolam koi Anda di ruang terbuka, hendaknya pastikan ikan-ikan koi Anda tidak menjadi incaran burung-burung pemangsa. Gunakan pelindung seperti jejaring nilon agar burung-burung tersebut tidak dapat mencapai kolam Anda.
Hindari menggunakan zat beracun dekat dengan kolam Anda
Insektisida dan herbisida yang biasa digunakan untuk taman Anda pada saat perawatan taman agar tidak mengenai air di kolam ikan koi Anda. Menempatkan wadah/ tempat zat-zat beracun dipinggir kolam sangat beresiko akan jatuh ke dalam kolam dan mencemari air dan ikan yang hidup di kolam. Bahkan sejumlah kecil insektisida umum dapat membunuh koi indah Anda.
Aksesoris Kolam Koi Anda
Agar ikan koi yang anda cintai dapat tumbuh dengan baik dan sehat, beberapa aksesoris diperlukan dalam rangka menjaga kondisi air kolam yang menjadi habitatnya. Idealnya Anda akan memerlukan sebuah pompa air, sistem filtrasi, aerator kolam air, pemanas air dan alat sterilisasi ultraviolet.
Ikan koi menyenangi air kolam bersih dan bergerak. Bila berada dalam air kolam yang tidak bergerak, bisa saja ikan anda menjadi kurang sehat atau stress. Ikan koi yang stress menampakkan gejala-gejala redupnya warna ikan, tidak bernafsu untuk makan, menyendiri dari gerombolan ikan-ikan yang lain, bahkan yang paling disayangkan akan menyebabkan kematian ikan.
Label: Tips